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What are financial goals for couples?

Financial goal setting for couples includes: Doing all it takes to hit those milestones as a unit at the time you agreed As far as financial goals for couples are concerned, both of you are one, and all your financial activities may invariably affect your partner in one way or the other. As a couple, there are many financial goals you must have.

What financial goals should you have with your partner?

Here are the five financial goals for couples you can have with your partner. 1. Long-term goals This refers to all that you want to complete concerning your finances, sometime in the distant future. More specifically, completing any goal that will take the next five years and above is considered a long-term financial goal.

Why is setting financial goals as a couple important?

Here’s why setting financial goals as a couple is important for a healthy relationship. There are many meaningful ways to build a true connection with your partner. Some of them are romantic and fun, while others are more practical and necessary.

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